
Zip file size limitation
Zip file size limitation

No, please extract files before uploading them to Miro.

  • Can the ZIP format be uploaded to Miro?.
  • zip file size limitation

    Yes, you will need to click the play button on an uploaded gif to display it.

  • Are animated gifs rendered on Miro boards?.
  • Yes, you can import transparent images to your boards.
  • Does Miro support uploading transparent PNG images?.
  • As a workaround, you can upload a video to a video-sharing platform and embed it to your board.

    zip file size limitation

    Note that uploading video files to Miro is not currently supported. ✏️ If you work with SVG images that contain text be sure to have the text converted to lines so the visual of your file does not depend on the fonts installed on the device of your collaborators. In case your experience issues with uploading other types of files, check out these troubleshooting steps. ✏️ If you are having issues with uploading PDF files, take a look at this troubleshooting guide. There are several ways to import a spreadsheet: via Upload menu, as sticky notes, or into Miro tables. 💡 You can also add PDF-files both as a single file with the option to turn pages over or page by page, and Google Documents (spreadsheets, documents, and slides) via Google Drive integration with an option to edit them right on the board. 💡 Learn how you can upload files to your board: Uploading Files to Boards, Ways to Add Content. The restriction for image and PDF dimensions is 8192x4096 pixels. The maximum image resolution (from any source) is 32 MP. Please note that the maximum file size uploaded to the board from any source is 30 MB.

    zip file size limitation

    Files that can be uploaded to the board from your device or the web File typeīmp, gif, svg (as a solid image), jpeg, jpg, png, psd, heic, heif

    Zip file size limitation